Video ini berisi Diskusi Online (Disko) membahas Serba Serbi Remunerasi pada Satker BLU/D.

Disko diselenggarakan melalui media zoom oleh Kanwil DJPb Provinsi Maluku Utara pada hari Kamis, 4 Juni 2020, dibuka oleh Kakanwil DJPb Prov.Malut Bp. Bayu Andy Prasetia. Jalannya Disko dipandu oleh Sdr. Avviz ElFarij dengan narasumber:
1. Muhammad Rusna, Kepala Subdirektorat Tarif, Remunerasi, dan Informasi BLU, Dit. PPK-BLU, DJPb
2. Zulkifli, Kepala Seksi Remunerasi BLU, Subdit Tarif, Remunerasi dan Informasi BLU

Apakah total take home pay pegawai BLU/D lebih besar dari pegawai Satker Biasa? Temukan jawabannya dalam disco ini.

This video contains an Online Discussion (Disco) discussing All-Purpose Remuneration at the BLU / D Work Unit.

The Disco was held through a zoom media by the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury of North Maluku Province on Thursday, June 4, 2020, opened by the Regional Office of the Regional Director of DJPb Prov.Malut Bp. Bayu Andy Prasetia. The way Disco is guided by Avviz ElFarij with speakers:
1. Muhammad Rusna, Head of BLU's Tariff, Remuneration and Information Sub Directorate, Dit. PPK-BLU, DJPb
2. Zulkifli, Head of BLU Remuneration Section, Tariff Subdit, Remuneration and BLU Information

Is the BLU / D employee's total take home pay greater than that of an ordinary Satker employee? Find the answers in this disco.

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